Studies on Ancient Sparta. Akanthina No. 14

ISBN: 978-83-7865-945-7
Rok wydania: 2020
Liczba stron: 302
Format: B5

Studies on Ancient Sparta. Akanthina No. 14

The following volume contains the majority of the ‘syssitia’ series of lectures delivered in Warsaw beginning in 2013. These lectures were concerned with various aspects of the history of ancient Sparta. Their variety is reflected in the contents of this volume. The lecture series and this publication has been financed by the Polish Ministry of Higher Education and Science as part of project number 11H 12 0121 81, completed on behalf of the National Programme lor the Development of the Humanities. The contributions in the first part of this volume deal with social questions concerning ancient Sparta, while the second part of the volume deals with historical questions.

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Weight 516 g
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